a5c7b9f00b A high school student with amnesia tries to uncover what has happened to her. All leading her into deeper troubles ultimately revealing a darkness she could not have imagined.
Make no mistake, this movie's theme is thriller, not horror. And as such, this movie was suspenseful with plenty of twists and turns to entice the audience. However, the most brilliant factor about this movie was the amazing acting from both the main protagonist (played by Da-Mi Kim) and her best friend (played by Min-Si Go). Although others shined in certain areas as well, these two actresses were absolutely phenomenal, especially considering the notion that Da-Mi Kim is still considered as a rookie who recently started her official career. This movie is only the first part of a series that is to come and may be one of the biggest hits in Korea yet.
It's a case of The Villainess all over again in this dismal slice of SOuth Korean horror. A young girl is abandoned by a sinister group of black-clad operatives. Eventually she is found by an elderly couple who raise her as their own. It's hard to get interested in this film. there is something weird on the train as one of the group's members sits next to the girls and starts to really freak them out. But this is generic stuff, right up to the cynical open-ended ending which will lead their way to more fomulaic fare.
Download Full Movie The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion In Hindi
Updated: Mar 18, 2020